অ্যাকাউন্ট নিবন্ধন করুন
আপনার ইতিমধ্যে আমাদের সাথে একটি অ্যাকাউন্ট আছে, তাহলে লগইন করুন লগইন পৃষ্ঠায়.
চিহ্নিত ক্ষেত্রসমূহ আবশ্যিক* .
Terms & Conditions
Cancellations and Changes
- After receiving the order we will call to confirm the order during office hours between 10 A.M to 7 P.M (Saturday - Thursday, 10AM-7PM). During that time you can ask to our team to confirm your order or cancel the order.
- Also you can change your order during this phone call. You can add any product or can remove any products from your order list. You cant change any things on confirm order.
- You can send us email to info@wristbands-house.com to cancel the order.
- You can call us 09611 107 107, 01867 800036 (Saturday - Thursday, 10AM-7PM) to cancel the order.
Refunds Policy
- We replace the product if we send any wrong product, which is not mention in the order list, you need to return the product to the deliveryman during delivery.
- If any products have production fault we will replace it on next 2 days. In this case you need to return the product to the deliveryman during delivery.
- No replacement will given if anyone put any wrong front or color in custom name bands, custom pin badge & custom mug.
- No replacement will given if you do not return the products to our deliveryman during delivery.
Acceptable Credit/Debit Cards
You can pay by the following credit cards: American Express, MasterCard ,Visa Credit/Debit Q Cash, Fast cash, MTB, Brac Bank, DBBL Nexus, City Bank, Bkash, Dutch Bangla, Islami Bank M Cash, Bank Aisa, Islami Bank Bangladesh, My Cash.